Outplacement Services
Here is a high level overview of the outplacement services DreamWork Consulting offers to our corporate clients. To learn more about how we can deliver customized outplacement solutions to your business, contact our sales team today.

Ending an employment relationship can be difficult for both the departing employee and the company representatives delivering the news. Make life easier for everyone by engaging one of our career transition consultants (CTC).
Here are just some of the ways a DreamWork Consulting CTC can support and manage the transition:
- Available to be onsite during the termination to provide immediate support to the departing employee and/or company representatives involved
- Engage the departing employee in the career transition process and the services offered by DreamWork Consulting
- Provide the departing employee with career transition services including resume writing, career search strategy development, interview training, job offer negotiations and more
Whether your company needs to lay off 1 employee or 1,000, DreamWork Consulting is here to help. To meet the needs of you and your departing staff, choose from any of the following service delivery methods in 1-on-1, group or workshop formats:
- in-person, onsite at your workplace
- in-person, offsite at another location
- remotely, by phone or video conference call
- remotely, online
Whichever format and delivery method you and your departing employee(s) choose, our team of consultants will provide impeccable service, ensuring a smooth and successful transition for all involved.
Retiring is an exciting time for the departing employee, but it can also be scary, full of unknowns and new experiences. Send new retirees off with all the tools they need to enjoy and flourish their well deserved golden years.
Our qualified transition consultants can support your retiring employees through:
- exploring options of what's next
- reworking old resumes to suit new objections (such as securing part-time or volunteer work)
- financial planning
- the ups and downs of major life changes
Contact our sales team
To discuss how DreamWork Consulting can customize outplacement solutions for your business, contact our corporate sales team at sales@dreamworkconsulting.com.